Vectis Reverse Shoulder Replacement

On both the glenoid and humeral side, fixation method and design ensure an stable platform anti-rotational features.
The glenoid baseplate provides compression with a central threaded screw design where anti rotation screws are added. This provides an extremely stable fixation.
The humeral component is cemented with a variety of interchangeable stem diameters and lengths available. The proximal cup is designed to withstand rotational forces.
Glenoid spheres and humeral cups are available in a variety of offsets
The Vectis Reverse Shoulder System is indicated for a variety of indications:
Irreparable rotator cuff deficient shoulder joint with severe arthopathy
Revision of previously failed shoulder arthroplasty where grossly deficient rotator cuff is evident
Upward displacement of the humeral head with respect to the glenoid
Loss of glenohumeral joint space